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A look at past and present events relating to BryonySeries.
11/14/11 “Bryony” Facebook ads begin.
11/09/11: Kallan Studios photographs the author at the P. Seth Magosky Museum of Victorian Life and Joliet History for the author’s press package.
10/26/11: “Bryony” participates at the HS Healing and Wellness Center’s Pumpkin Fest.
10/14/11: VampFest, Bryony’s official pre-release benefit, raises nearly $1400 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties.
10/14/11: The author discusses VampFest with Scott Slocum on WJOL AM 1340.
10/13/11: James Onohan releases the official “Bryony” CD--“The Best-Loved Compositions of John Simons”—and immediately makes his first sale.
10/13/11: Tommy Connolly interview the author for blogspot radio.
10/12/11: Official release of the “Bryony” music video.
10/12/11: The author discusses VampFest with Kevin Schramm on Morris, Illinois, radio station WCSJ FM 103.1
10/10/11: Costume party for VampFest, courtesy of Kosack’s Formal Wear in Joliet and the Joliet Junior College theatre department.
10/06/11: The first two proof copies of “Bryony” arrive at the author’s house today.
10/05/11: Official release of the “Bryony” trailer.
10/04/11: Bryony’s author has a photo shoot for the Morris Herald at the P. Seth Magosky Museum of Victorian Life and Joliet History.

09/11/11: The author reads from “Bryony” and discusses the writing process at the P. Seth Magosky Museum of Victorian Life and Joliet History.
08/28/11: Heather Frelichowski of Craft Moms, Inc. begins work on two ball dresses for VampFest: a purple gown for the author and a yellow satin trimmed in pearls and lace for Rebekah Baran, who will portray Melissa Marchellis, Bryony’s main character, at VampFest.
08/27/11: “Bryony” participates in the Three Rivers Arts Council’s first open house.
08/26/11: Serena Diosa, author of the “Tinkey’s Goldfish” series, begins work on designing and formatting “Bryony.”
08/16/11: Valerie Burkholder of “Valerie’s Heavenly Scents,” agrees to create a candle line for “Bryony.”
08/04/11: First VampFest meeting to plan "Bryony" book launch and fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties.
07/15/11: Illustrator and tattoo artist Matt Coundiff begins work on illustrations for the official "Bryony" cookbook: "Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from 'Bryony.'"
07/15/11: Matt Coundiff agrees to illustrate the official “Bryony” cookbook: “Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from ‘Bryony.’''

06/25/11: “Bryony” participates in the Three Rivers Council’s second annual, “Art in the Park” with a display and performance by James Onohan, Bryony’s pianist/composer.
06/24/11: Heather Frelichowski of Craft Moms, Inc. puts the finishing touches on the author’s burgundy satin walking suit.
06/21/11: Tommy Connolly joins the Bryony team as media researcher and developer.
06/08/11: Winners of the cookbook contest are Kathryn Russ Dunlap and Nola Sawyer. the official cookbook name is “Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from ‘Bryony.’”
05/10/11: In honor of its one year anniversary, web administrator Sarah Stegall initiates a “Name the Bryony Cookbook” contest. The winner will receive a free copy signed by the members of the Bryony team.

05/11/11: Bryony makes its debut with a reading at the Heavenly Sinners writing group in Joliet, IL. 
04/26/11: Bryony launch date is set: October 15.
04/19/11: Ed Calkins, the Steward of Tara, unveils his first Bryony computer game.
04/19/11: Stephen Tuplin and Josh Siegers of JKS Productions film the Bryony trailer, music video, and James Onohan’s interview.

04/18/11: Dulcinea Hawksworth, Bryony’s director of marketing, meets the author at the Magosky mansion, and pieces together Victorian costumes for the Bryony trailer and music video.
04/17/11: Rebekah buys special “70s-style” pajamas for her trailer role.
04/17/11: Makeup artist Jennifer Wesolewski meets with author’s daughter Rebekah Baran, who plays Melissa Marchellis in the Bryony trailer, to experiment with colors and look.
04/11/11: Over 1500 Bryony business cards distributed.
03/26/11: Sarah Stegall, Bryony’s web administrator, is interviewed and filmed at the Magosky mansion for a Bryony video.
03/25/11: Two Bryony teams bowl and raise over $1,100 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties’ Bowl for Kids’ Sake.
03/24/11: Bryony business cards arrive.
03/18/11: Fourth round of edits begin.
02/24/11: Stephen Tuplin, Bryony’s filmmaker, shoots initial footage at the Magosky mansion.
02/23/11: CAL Graphics, Inc. creates the Bryony logo.

01/15/11: The author meets with the owner of the P. Seth Magosky Museum of Victorian Life and Joliet History as a possible location for the Bryony trailer, music video, and team interviews. 

01/15/11: James Onohan sends two more recorded Bryony songs
01/13/11 Part of the Bryony team makes its first group Skype conference call.
12/30/10: A tag line for the Bryony logo is decided.
12/23/10: A Bryony focus group is formed to study and compare two Bryony tag lines.
12/22/10: Denise Unland completes Bryony's second bonus chapter, "Snowbell."
12/14/10: Stephen Tuplin offers to shoot a music video of James Onohan and interviews with everyone on the Bryony team.

12/11/10: The first "Meet and Greet" of the Bryony team. Twelve people were present.

11/28/10: CAL Graphics, Inc. will create the Bryony logo.  

11/12/10 The Bryony blog,, hits over 2,000 views. 

11/11/10: CAL Graphics, Inc. will create the album cover for the Bryony CD by James Onohan: The Best-Loved Compositions of John Simons. 

11/09/10: James Onohan officially becomes the musical voice of Bryony. 

05/10/10: Film student Stephen Tuplin agrees to create a book trailer for Bryony. 
05/09/10: The Bryony cookbook officially opens for submissions. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy County will become the benefactor of any profits made from sales.

05/04/10: Bryony joins Facebook. Sarah Stegall becomes Bryony’s official administrative assistant.
04/26/10: Second round of Bryony edits arrive in the mail. 03/02/10: After working daily on the manuscript, the author resubmits Bryony to WriteLife. 
01/09/10: First round of edits arrive on the author’s doorstep.
12/22/09: Denise Unland completes Bryony's first bonus chapter, "The News That Changed Everything."
12/16/09: Kathleen Rose Van Pelt of Imaginary Lines Studio agrees to create cover and interior art for Bryony.
12/14/09: Bryony is on its way to WriteLife’s lead editor. 
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